Attuning to the Spirit
A concept known by differing names around the world.
If you are an astronaut you might refer to it as the 'overview effect'. The good news though is that we don't have to send you into space to experience such a state.
For many it is a reflective or 'Being' state as opposed to an action or 'Doing' state.
Popular today is the rediscovery or renaming of such a state as 'mindfulness' or at oneness.
Indigenous cultures such as Maori were well aware of the relationship existing between our our outer physical world and an inner spiritual existence. Trees were not cut down without karakia (prayer) first being offered. Fishing was a spiritual activity, with the whole village fasting whilst a fishing party was out at sea.
Whether it be through music, tai chi, meditation, dance, art or prayer, driving, the ways of attuning to the Spirit are many.
Attuning to the Spirit involves getting in touch with our inner selves. The Wharf Hub has a rich variety of available places to visit or activities that can help here. We hope even staying in the historic Wharf Hub home is to experience a place that is imbued with its own wairua (spirit).
Some experiences we offer in helping to reconnect with our innermost selves include
Nature bathing in nearby Hukuwai Domain with its 2000 year old burial tree,
A bush walk up to majestic Onekawa Pa lookout looping back with bare feet along the beach to your car.
Listening to the famed story 'The Pupu Pool' in a quiet spot.
Taking time to visit the local historic St Johns Hiona church.